
Pediatric Eye Care


Ensure Healthy Vision For A Lifetime

From kid-friendly exam rooms to an in-clinic pediatric ophthalmologist, St. Paul Eye Clinic is an expert at knowing how to work with children and most importantly, making them feel comfortable at an eye clinic. At St. Paul Eye Clinic, we will treat your child with the utmost care and concern from the moment you first arrive. You will accompany your child throughout their exam and get answers to any questions you have. We’re dedicated to helping your child see to their fullest potential.

Meet Our Pediatric Eye Care Providers

Todd Watanabe

“You will find care that you will not find anywhere else... Nobody beats St. Paul Eye.”
Laura - St. Paul Eye Clinic Patient
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do St. Paul Eye Clinic ophthalmologists have experience and training treating children’s eyes?
All of our board-certified ophthalmologists have special training in treating children’s eyes. But no kids have training in talking about their vision. If there is a sight-related issue affecting your child, it’s likely that they won’t be able to describe what is bothering them. Because they may not be able to answer medical questions or be cooperative during an exam, it is our professionals who provide the patience and the parental guidance to seek a solution together. Should there be any complex problems with a child’s vision, St. Paul Eye Clinic has an in-house specialist in pediatric ophthalmology, who is an expert at knowing how to work with children, and most importantly, making them feel comfortable at an eye clinic. St. Paul Eye Clinic provides comprehensive evaluations, consultations, and proven, effective treatments for routine and complex pediatric eye conditions.
What is Strabismus?
Approximately four percent of children in the United States are affected by this condition, which is characterized by eyes that are misaligned. If not treated, children with strabismus risk permanent loss of visual acuity in the non-dominant eye. Different types of strabismus include crossed-eyes (esotropia, the most common type in children), out-turned eyes (exotropia), or vertical misalignment (hyper- or hypotropia).
What are treatment options for Strabismus?
Treatment options depend upon the type of strabismus and may include glasses, special prism lenses, and/or surgery.
What is Amblyopia?
Amblyopia is the loss or lack of the full development of vision in one eye. Also called “lazy eye,” this is a condition in which the vision in one eye (or both eyes) is poor, usually as a result of strabismus.
What are other causes of Amblyopia?
Causes of amblyopia include farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism. It can even be caused by drooping eyelids or the rare occurrence of a childhood cataract.
What other pediatric eye conditions does St. Paul Eye Clinic diagnose and treat?
We can also diagnose a whole host of ocular conditions, including tear duct obstruction, congenital cataracts, congenital and juvenile glaucoma, and eyelid problems.